Combat archery rules

This page contains some clarifications to the rules relating to combat archery as well as a link to the Lochac Combat Handbook. There is also a link to rules which are currently under review.


This page lists the equipment and armour requirements to get you on the field as a combat archer.


This page talks about the types of combat authorisations you need to be a combat archer.

Heavy archers

This page describes some of the things you need to remember as a heavy archer.

Lochac combat archery exemption

Lochac has a specific exemption from the Society Earl Marshal for our form of combat archery

Combat archer games

This page contains some examples of activities to keep combat archers amused while they are not at war.

Combat archery articles

Here you will find articles which are of interest to combat archers.


Here you will find the answers to some of the commonly asked questions relating to combat archery.