Kingdom Archery Marshal

The Kingdom Archery Marshal is a Lesser Kingdom Officer acting on behalf of the Earl Marshal on matters relating to target and combat archery, and thrown weapons.

The Kingdom Archery Marshal is responsible for:

  • encouraging the development of combat standards and chivalry on the field in all actions involving archery and other projectile weapons, in co-operation with the Marshallate;
  • maintaining and enforcing the Kingdom standards for construction and use of projectile weapons and armour for plumed combatants;
  • setting, maintaining and enforcing safety standards;
  • making regulations and information concerning target and combat archery available;
  • warranting the Captain of Archers for each group;
  • reporting as required by the Crown and the Earl Marshal;
  • reporting quarterly to the Society Archery Marshal.

The current Kingdom Archery Marshal is Grigorii Luchnik.

Lochac Company of Archers

The Lochac Company of Archers is a Grant Level Award and ranks equal in precedence to the Order of the White Scarf, and higher in precedence than other varieties of Grants of Arms.

The Clerk of the Company is Angele Marie de Savigny.

Captain of Archers

The Captain of Archers is the group officer who looks after archery. Not all groups have a Captain of Archers, it’s not a required office. If your group doesn’t have one and you have archery-related questions of your group, please talk to your group’s Knight Marshal or Seneschal.  If you’d like to volunteer for the role, please talk to your current Captain of Archers or group Seneschal.

As an officer, the Captain of Archers needs to:

  • be a current, paid member of the SCA;
  • send quarterly reports to Kingdom Archery Marshal by:
    • 1 February
    • 1 May
    • 1 August
    • 1 November

Officers of Shires or smaller groups need only send half-yearly reports, in May and November.

A reporting template can be found here.

  • be on the Archers email list. You can subscribe here;
  • follow the proper process for appointing their replacement, and conduct a good handover.
    • Baronial Captains of Archers are appointed by the Baronial Knight Marshal in consultation with the Baron and Baroness, the Baronial Seneschal, the Deputy Earl Marshal for Archery, and the outgoing officer.
    • Shire Captains of Archers are appointed by the Shire Knight Marshal (if the role is active) in consultation with the Shire Seneschal, the Deputy Earl Marshal for Archery, and the outgoing officer.
    • Canton Captains of Archers are appointed by the Canton Knight Marshal in consultation with the Canton Seneschal, the Baronial Knight Marshal, the Deputy Earl Marshal for Archery, and the outgoing officer.

Target Archery Marshals

A Target Archery Marshal is required to set up and run target archery activities. Check with your local Captain of Archers to find out who can help run target archery activities in your area.

A rostered Target Archery Marshal needs to be:

  • be a subscribing member of the SCA, not an event member;
  • be over the age 18 years;
  • be properly authorised as a Target Archery Marshal
    • The applicant should provide an appropriately completed authorisation form.
    • The candidate must be assessed as being competent by another rostered Target Archery Marshal that they can:
      • demonstrate familiarity with current SCA and Kingdom target archery conventions and rules;
      • demonstrate the ability to set-up and safely run an archery shoot;
      • inspect equipment as required for safety and compliance with Kingdom rules;
    • The authorising Target Archery Marshal must submit the appropriate paperwork to ensure the authorisation is registered with the Kingdom Lists Officer within three months of the authorisation taking place. Expired authorisation paperwork will not be processed by the Kingdom Lists Officer;
    • A copy of the authorisation paperwork may be used in lieu of an authorisation card for a period of up to three months from the date of the authorisation;
    • Target Archery Marshals must renew their authorisation at least every four years. Renewals will be conducted by performing a repeat of the authorisation test, in the same manner as if they are applying for the first time.