The Target Archery and Thrown Weapons rules for Lochac can be found in the Rules Wiki.
A pdf of the current rulebook can be found by clicking on this link – PDF
Please contact the Deputy Earl Marshal about any suggested changes.
Target archery rules vary by kingdom, but they are all based on the Society’s Target Archery Handbook (pdf)
Recent news
New handbook released
1 June 2018
The rules for Target Archery and Thrown Weapons for Lochac have been substantially rewritten and moved to a wiki to help with keeping them maintained and up to date.
They have been rewritten into Plain English, and reordered to help make it easier for participants.
The wiki format allows you to navigate through the different sections by following relevant links, and the discussion page behind each section explains some of the reasoning for changes or why a particular rule exists.
The PDF link will always take you to the most recent version of the rules, so please don’t download a copy unless you are printing it for a specific event.
Yours in Service
Angele Marie de Savigny
Deputy Earl Marshal for Archery
Prohibition on use of crossbows for SCA combat or shooting at any moving target in Australia
9 February 2016
Due to mundane law surrounding the possession and use of crossbows, the use of crossbows for target archery activities (practices and competitions) at SCA events in Lochac is subject to all mundane legal requirements, and the permission of the event steward. All appropriate permits and licences must be carried while in possession of a crossbows, and shown on request.
In Australia, due to updated requirements from our insurance company, the SCA Ltd is only covered for the use of crossbows on stationary targets, this means that even where groups and individuals hold all the proper mundane licences and permits, crossbows cannot be used in combat, or in target shoots involving moving targets.
Crossbows may continue to be used in combat, and in all forms of target archery (including moving and stationary targets) in New Zealand.
Yours in Service
Angele Marie de Savigny
Deputy Earl Marshal for Archery