Hauptmann Jochen Schwalbe

What is your SCA name?
Jochen Schwalbe

Which group are you in?
I have been part of numerous geographical groups, having moved around a bit. However I have settled in the Shire of Adora which looks to be my “forever Home”

How long have you been involved in the SCA?
I started playing in the SCA in 1999, when I was 23 years old. I was living in Drachenwald (Munich) at the time.

When were you elevated to the Lochac Company of Archers?
The 4th July 2008

What is your specialty?
“I am a fighter, my weapon of choice is a bow!”

I am to be found on the warfield fighting as a Combat Archer. My place on the warfield is providing close fire support for hard hitting units. I am a heavy archer and will often transition to a backup melee weapon where “the equations of war” demands it.

What other areas of interest do you have?
Recruitment and expansion of the SCA as a whole. I have founded two groups.
Activities to Expand War fighting, including building forts, training, armoring and making video tutorials.

As of late, 2020 onwards I have started going out onto the rapier warfield with an Arquebus.

What’s your favourite archery event or competition?
Stomping on the warfield.

I am a big believer of the value of one-on-one combat archery duels. As far as prowess goes I don’t care how many kings or knights you may have killed on the warfield. I will measure you by how you stand up, toe-to-toe.